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The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API provides universal data access from the Java programming language. Using the JDBC API, you can access virtually any data source, from relational databases.

The connector can be used for SQL databases, on-premise (SQL Server Managed Instance), as an input data source or output data sink for Spark jobs.

Steps to create Datastore for JDBC#

  1. Click on the action button (image alt text) from the Datastores section in Left Navigation and select JDBC connector. Alternatively user can launch from Create New Datastore link in Activity authoring UI or Copy Data tool.

  2. Enter the Datastore name for the new datastore and click Ok

  3. Update the connection name or leave the default. You can refer to Connection and Environments for more details

  4. Users have to choose from two options like Custom or Standard.

  5. Enter the connection details properties as described below:

If Standard is chosen :#

VendorUsers have to choose SQL server from given options like SQL server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL.Yes
Driver ClassSelecting Vendor this property is automatically fielded by Guzzle.Yes
HostnameHostname of selected server.Yes
PortOn which port selected server is running.Yes
DatabaseName of Database.Yes
UsernameUsername of server.Yes
PasswordPassword to connect to MySQL server.
For specify password the following options are available:
1. Manual: Provide password directly.
2. Azure Key Vault: To use Azure key vault feature user have to integrate Key Vault with Guzzle for that visit here. Give value of the key vault name and secret name where password is stored in Azure Key Vault instance.

Below gif represents created JDBC datastore :

If Custom is chosen :#

Driver ClassSelecting Vendor this property is automatically fielded by GuzzleYes
HostnameHostname of selected serverYes
Jdbc URLJDBC URL for connecting to SQL server
Example: jdbc:mysql://<hostname>/ <databaseName>
The URL can optionally contain database name, username and other connection properties.
UsernameUsername of serverYes
PasswordPassword to connect to MySQL server.
For specify password the following options are available:
1. Manual: Provide password directly.
2. Azure Key Vault: To use Azure key vault feature user have to integrate Key Vault with Guzzle for that visit here. Give value of the key vault name and secret name where password is stored in Azure Key Vault instance.