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Working with XML Files

Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.

XML file support in Guzzle provides extensive features to specify file format details and many other properties which make it easier to work with our Data. This article outlines how to work with XML files for source and target in Ingestion activity.

XML File Properties in Guzzle#

PropertyDescriptionDefault ValueAvailable in Source SectionAvailable in Target Section
Character SetIt refers to the Set of Characters used to Read/Write test files. Allowed Values include: UTF-8, UTF-16 etc.UTF-8โœ”โœ”
XML Row TagThe row tag of your XML files to treat as a row.
For example, in this XML <books> <books></books> ...</books>, the appropriate value would be book.
XML Root TagThe Root tag of your XML files to treat as a root.
It encloses all the other elements and is therefore the sole parent element to all the other elements. For example, in the XML <books> <books> <books> ...</books>, the appropriate value would be books.
Configure processed pathThe Configure Processed Paths feature allows the user to specify the directory and Guzzle moves the Data into that directory. When creating a processed file path Guzzle creates 3 subfolders: processed, rejected and partial.
For more information click here.
Configure control file settingsThe Configure Control File feature cross check whether a file is valid or not. It compares the number of records in the original file and the control file extension. Guzzle provides the Configure Control File feature for all local file formats including Delimited, JSON, XML, Excel and Fixed Length Files.
For more information click here.
Partial LoadSpecify partial loading of files.Falseโœ”X

The Interface for XML in Guzzle is :#