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Server File System

Server file system represents the local operating file system on the Compute nodes. The operating file system folder itself can in turn be a mounted network file shares or cloud file systems; or attached disk which are visible on all Compute nodes.


Only Ingestion activity supports File based connectors.

Steps to create Datastore for Server file system#

  1. Click on the action button (image alt text) from the Datastores section in Left Navigation and select Server file system (LFS)** connector. Alternatively user can launch from Create New Datastore **link in Activity authoring UI or Copy Data tool

  2. Enter the Datastore name for the new datastore and click Ok

  3. Update the connection name or leave the default. You can refer to Connection and Environments for more details

  4. Provide the root path of the Server file system.

  5. Save the Datastore config. Optionally you can Test the connection.


Ensure the same path is visible on all Driver and Worker nodes for Yarn or Databricks computes you are using.

Interface for Local File service#

Known Limitation#


  • This datastore is used to fetch data from local machine only.
  • This datastore is only used in Ingestion activity only.